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Native Roaming Photography Home Header
Press Release

Native Roaming Photography site launch

Native Roaming Photography website launches today on Lemacks Media’s Google Cloud Platform network utilizing Mailgun API, reCAPTCHA v3, & more.

Nerdcore Party Convention
Press Release

Nerdcore Party Convention site launch

Nerdcore Party Convention launches hosted on Lemacks Media’s Google Cloud Compute Engine network, with Mailgun, reCAPTCHA v3, & more!

Best Day Ever Dog Boutique Homepage Header
Press Release

Best Day Ever, A Dog Boutique site launch

The Best Day Ever, A Dog Boutique launches hosted on Lemacks Media’s Google Cloud Compute Engine network, with Mailgun, reCAPTCHA v3, & more!

Salty Roots NC
Press Release

Salty Roots Fishing Charters site launch

Salty Roots NC launches with custom booking service, digital and email marketing, G Suite, leveraging Lemacks Media’s Google Compute Engine!

Cape Fear Oyster Co
Press Release

Cape Fear Oyster Company site launch

Cape Fear Oyster Co launches with custom booking service, digital/email marketing, G Suite, leveraging Lemacks Media’s Google Compute Engine!

Marine Mud Run site by Lemacks Media
Press Release

Marine Mud Run site launch

Marine Mud Run launches today on WordPress/WooCommerce with custom event ticketing, custom URL shortening service, digital and email marketing solutions, and social media integrations leveraging hosting on Lemacks Media’s Google Cloud Compute Engine network! Check out the Marine Mud Run website, live today at!

Alexander York Fitness homepage preview
Press Release

Alexander York Fitness site launch

Alexander York Fitness, the business passion project of Entrepreneur Alex Croteau launches today on WordPress/WooCommerce leveraging hosting on Lemacks Media’s Google Cloud Compute Engine network!. Check out his website, live today at!

Lemacks Media

Google Thanks Veteran-Led Business

Google’s Veteran-Led Business Small Thanks assets include things like social media posts, downloadable and printable assets with review snippets, and a 25% discount code for use at SMTHNX25 .

Marblehead Soap Co by Lemacks Media
Press Release

Marblehead Soap Co site launch

Marblehead Soap Co a small local shop in Ohio reached out to us this fall to move them off BigCommerce and onto WordPress/WooCommerce leveraging hosting on Google Cloud Compute Engine. Check out their website, live today at !

Lemacks Media Apache PageSpeed

Using Mod_PageSpeed Filters

Apache Mod_PageSpeed is still currently “incubating” as you can see if you checkout the official Mod_PageSpeed site . Though it has been incubating for several years now, it’s a tool that Google very highly recommends use of for websites and web applications of all sizes.

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