Native Roaming Photography site launch
Native Roaming Photography website launches today on Lemacks Media’s Google Cloud Platform network utilizing Mailgun API, reCAPTCHA v3, & more.
Native Roaming Photography website launches today on Lemacks Media’s Google Cloud Platform network utilizing Mailgun API, reCAPTCHA v3, & more.
Nerdcore Party Convention launches hosted on Lemacks Media’s Google Cloud Compute Engine network, with Mailgun, reCAPTCHA v3, & more!
The Best Day Ever, A Dog Boutique launches hosted on Lemacks Media’s Google Cloud Compute Engine network, with Mailgun, reCAPTCHA v3, & more!
The Pub of Southport launches hosted on Lemacks Media’s Google Cloud Compute Engine network, with Mailgun, reCAPTCHA v3, & Untappd Menu!
Google has overhauled the PageSpeed Insights website, giving it a much needed Material Design look to mirror the rest of Google’s products and services.
Apache Mod_PageSpeed is still currently “incubating” as you can see if you checkout the official Mod_PageSpeed site . Though it has been incubating for several years now, it’s a tool that Google very highly recommends use of for websites and web applications of all sizes.
Learn how to setup WHM & cPanel on Google Cloud Platform Compute Engine with Apache Mod_PageSpeed for website and application hosting!